That’s Otto road. Thats the freights. Theres the train yard.
Chewy chips ahoy from Nabisco. Budowski and sons.
Fruit roll ups. Nerf footballs. What happened to RGMV ball?
Here comes Pop Warner.
Cocaine in the bar.
Heroin on the streets.
It’s a gun!
They bailed!
Off to the recreation center.
We were going to put his house in flames.
We didn’t care about his wife.
There was a kid in the house.
I called it off.
This was before the recreation center.
I’m 17 years old. I wanna learn how to box!
Ralph Sciulla - He’s not a kid, it’s kids.
His last name is with a yoU not an Ohh, he’s Jay is German.
A sprained ankle from pop warner and I could not plant
But I sent him flying head first into home plate.
I planned it that way. I walked him to the 11th alley.
I’ll tell them what to do. This is real stupid ch!t. SEAN!! Where’s DASK??